Banging non-alcoholic craft beer delivery boxes

You won't find these bad boy craft beers from Independent UK breweries in the supermarket.


It's time to say no to Becks Blue.

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Supporting Independents

We love discovering new non-alcoholic beers, and when we find one all we want to do is share it with the world.  It's these bangers that you'll find in your delivery box each month.

Go Big or Go Home Delivery Box

Sober Bandits 12 Pack Non-Alcoholic Craft Beer Delivery Box

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All Killer, No Filler Guarantee

This is us letting you know that you'll only find craft beer made from independent makers in your delivery box.  If you find a supermarket beer in there, I'll eat my own underpants....or just send you an extra can in your next box.  Yep, I'd probably prefer to do it that way round if I'm honest.

Breweries in the Boxes

Just a selection of the breweries you can expect to find beers from in each of the boxes.  And because we change them up every month based on what we're drinking and loving in the shop, you'll always have the freshest drops to enjoy.

The Shop Experience

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You won't believe it exists


When people visit for the first time they can't believe a place like this exists, and that there's so many non-alcoholic beers and kombucha to choose from.


Every delivery box is handpicked and packed with the non-alcoholic craft beers we're enjoying in the shop this month.


Our Story

Conscious Living

At the start of 2023 I realised that my life was on auto-pilot and I was missing out on my little girl grow up.


Outside looking in, I had everything that is meant to make you happy.


Good job, house, car, family, partner, daughter, friends, Merlin Platinum Annual Pass.


And yet, I was on autopilot going from one day to the next.  I was existing, not living.


It was at that moment I decided I was not going to be that person on their death bed who wished they did things differently.


So I made the change.


I stopped drinking alcohol, focused on my gut health, and decided to become a better version of myself.  And most importantly, a role model for my little girl.


It's a journey, but it's made a lot easier with banging non-alcoholic craft beers and kombucha to drink along the way.

Got Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Functional Drinks Club?

Functional Drinks Club can be found in the historic market town Otley, Leeds.


The address if you ever want to visit the shop:


17 Manor Square


LS21 3AP

What delivery service do you use?

For our Beer Boxes we use Royal Mail to get them to you.


The truth is, they'll probably still lose your box or deliver it to the wrong address.


I've test all the different services and they're all as bad as each other.

How long does delivery take?

You'll get your box within 4 days of putting your order in.


We take a little longer because we handpick each box and don't pack them with Brewdog, Infinite, Erdinger, or any other beer you can pick up at the supermarket for £1.50 a pop.

Do you do returns?

Not really, bit of a pain for everyone involved.


If the box arrives and the cans inside are damaged, don't return them.  Just take a picture of the damage within 24 hours of it being delivered and send the picture through to 


We'll then send out a replacement box for you.


If you get the box and you don't like some of the beers, then that happens because we're always sending new drops out each month where possible.

Do you do a monthly subscription box?

All our non-alcoholic delivery boxes can be bought as a one-off purchase or as a mo